Wednesday, October 20, 2010


2nd sikh to graduate with articles of faith intact!Sikhs Serving Canada - Mississauga's newest Food Bank (the Seva Food Bank)

This organization is a great way for Sikhs (both adults and youth) to get involved in the community and practice one of the main principles of Sikhi - SEVA
(selfless service). Our seva in the Gurudwaras mostly serves the people in the Sikh community, but this Food Bank is a way for us to provide our seva for the non-sikh community as well!
To get involved, please
register for one of their volunteer information sessions at:
Tuesday September 28th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday October 14th 6:30 pm - 8:00pm

The 2010 Film Festival videos are here to view them
These are Sikhi related short films that have been created by Sikh youth (just like you) from all over the world! These videos include a variety of Sikhi related content, including questions, answers, insipiration etc., in the forms of picture slideshows, documentaries, comedies, action videos, plays, dramas, spoofs, animations, rap songs, and reenactments. They're really interesting & creative and some are very thought provoking. MUST WATCH!

Illustrates in great detail, one of the greatest principles of Sikhi (ONENESS) and it's practice within the Golden Temple.